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Notary Service

Notary Service

Sarvey Notary Service is the area’s leading authority on motor vehicle and driver’s license services. Whether you’re buying or selling a vehicle, renewing your driver’s license or vehicle registration, or need help replacing a title, license plate, registration card, or driver’s license, Sarvey Notary Service can help.

Using our electronic titling and registration system, you can now enjoy the benefits of an electronic title and registration system without dealing with pink slips or temporary documents. Your updated PennDOT record is instantly available with your permanent license plate and registration card, leaving no room for missteps. Titles are often delivered within ten days. Plus, you can instantly verify your updated record’s accuracy, significantly reducing the possibility of mis-spelling or addressing errors which can cause additional expense and further delays.

Sarvey Notary Service was selected as the first On-Line Messenger Service in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We provide various licensing services, including address changes, registration renewals, driver’s licenses, and replacement of lost or damaged products like license plates, registration plate stickers, registration cards, and driver’s licenses.

For example, when you renew your vehicle registration with Sarvey Notary Service, you don’t have to wait on your official registration card to arrive. Instead, you walk out with it in your hand! For those transactions that can’t be completed utilizing our On-Line systems, our partners in Harrisburg deliver your work directly with PennDOT to ensure a quicker turnaround.
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